Thursday, August 10, 2017

My Dear Darling Friend

My dear darling friend,
I fell in love
And heavens above
I was stopped in tracks
Slowed down time
Life turned sublime
Connected by soul
To the universe of old
Enlightened my heart
Made worry depart
Altered the world
And peace unfurled
Not struggling.

My dear darling friend,
How can I explain?
Make it plain
How can I describe,
Behind the eyes?
What I can't see
But believe to be
For mirrors show
'They' tell me so
I know it's there
There's just no words
And the wild world's
Not listening.

My dear darling friend,
I really fucked up
And I know it, yup
Hiding in a bubble
Impending world of trouble
I was out of control
Digging a deep hole
Trapped in a crisis
Thought love would suffice us
Didn't cry for help
Not even a yelp
From fire to fry pan
I burnt bridges and ran.
Not cool.

My dear darling friend,
I'm in love with two men
So now, what then?
What does one do
When lost, no clue
How could this even be?
Everyone's asking me
Could you really throw away
What you loved yesterday?
Answers I don't hold
Answers, I'm hoping, will unfold
But shit, until then
I still love two men.
Not one.

My dear darling friend,
I want you to know
What isn't so
What I truly believe
And clearly perceive
In this grave of dreams
And fancy schemes.
It's an opportunity, a chance.
No, not at first glance.
But it's going to be a way
To live for the day
Find happiness within
A journey akin
Not together.

My dear darling friend,
I believe there'll come a time
When stars realign
When wounds are healed
And fractures sealed
When friendships lost
At such a cost
Will shoot from seed
Finally freed
A new life of love
Hand fitting the glove
Refurbished and true
Together renewed.
Not apart.

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